Breezepod Pop-outs

Benefits & Advantages
  • INSULATION: NZ R Value 2.2 – 2.4 USA R value = 10
  • ASSEMBLY: Very quick to pop-out, few tools required
  • LIFESPAN: 50 years plus
  • LOW MAINTENANCE: Paint only
  • STRENGTH: Rigid structure, handles high winds,
  • LOW COST: Very competitive pricing from $600 sqm
  • UNIQUE AWNING ENTRY SYSTEM: 1, Stays on the building when folded 2, flexible and tough Poly-carbonate windows 3, The wide awning formed keeps the rain out 4, half door bottom, can remain closed
  • COLOUR: Paint to suit your scheme, acrylic
  • SHIPPING: The dimension of the folded pod is 2.33 wide and will stack in numbers within container dimensions, depending on the model you can fit good numbers into a container for economical shipping.
PCT/NZ2015/000017 Design Appl NZ 725252 AU 2015232047
We have three sizes of pop-out pods, 6 sqm, 16 sqm, & 27 sqm

Ideal for Tourist Accommodation, Glamping (all seasons), Emergency Housing, Extra accommodation, Offices, Kiosks, Studio and many more uses.

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